Presentations 1999

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1994 | 1993 |

Monitoring the sea level and vertical crustal movements in the South Atlantic along the coast of Argentina. H. Drewes. In: XXII IUGG General Assembly. Birmingham, UK. July 23, 1999.

Realization of the vertical reference system in Venezuela. Drewes H., Bosch W., Kaniuth K., Hernandez J.N., Hoyer M., Wildermann E. In: XXII IUGG General Assembly. Birmingham, UK. July 21, 1999.

The vertical reference system of Argentina. Kaniuth K., Bosch W., Drewes H., Brunini C., Moirano J., Natali P. In: XXII IUGG General Assembly. Birmingham, UK. July 21, 1999.

Position changes due to recent crustal deformations along the Caribbean- South American plate boundary derived from the CASA GPS project. Kaniuth K., Drewes H., Stuber K., Tremel H., Hernandez J.N., Hoyer M., Wildermann E., Kahle H.G., Geiger A. In: XXII IUGG General Assembly. Birmingham, UK. July 21, 1999.

Connection of the Colombian vertical datum to the geocentric reference system. Sánchez L., Martínez W., Florez J.A., Drewes H., Kaniuth K., Tremel H. In: XXII IUGG General Assembly. Birmingham, UK. July 21, 1999.

The Colombian national geocentric reference frame. Sánchez L., Tremel H., Drewes H. In: XXII IUGG General Assembly. Birmingham, UK. July 21, 1999.

Regional crustal deformations caused by the 1997 Cariaco earthquake from repeated GPS observations. H. Drewes. In: AGU Spring Meeting. Boston, USA. June 4, 1999.



Dr.-Ing. Laura Sanchez

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