=============================================================================== IGS-RNAAC-SIR ANALYSIS REPORT COMBINATION OF THE SIRGAS-CON NETWORK FOR GPS WEEK 1855 (DAYS 207-213 DATES 26-07-2015 - 01-08-2015) =============================================================================== Responsible: Laura Sanchez (lm.sanchez@tum.de) DGFI-TUM Deutsches Geodaetisches Forschungsinstitut der Technischen Universitaet Muenchen The SIRGAS-CON network comprises a core network (SIRGAS-C) with continental coverage and many densification networks (SIRGAS-N), which correspond to the national reference frames. These networks are weekly processed by 10 analysis centres, which deliver loosely constrained solutions for station positions in SINEX (Software INdependent EXchange) format to be combined in a unified solution. Each SIRGAS-CON station is processed by three Analysis Centres. (For more information see: www.sirgas.org). This report describes the main features of the weekly combination. =============================================================================== Contributing solutions (PC) =============================================================================== CHL - Instituto Geografico Militar (Chile) DGF - Deutsches Geodaetisches Forschungsinstitut der TUM (Germany) ECU - CEPGE, Instituto Geografico Militar (Ecuador) GNA - Instituto Geografico Nacional (Argentina) IBG - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (Brazil) IGA - Instituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi (Colombia) INE - Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico) LUZ - CPAGS, Universidad del Zulia (Venezuela) UNA - CNPDG-UNA, Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica) URY - Servicio Geografico Militar (Uruguay) =============================================================================== Combination strategy =============================================================================== 1) Individual solutions are reviewed/corrected for possible format problems, station inconsistencies, etc. 2) Constraints included in the delivered normal equations are removed. 3) Sub-networks are individually aligned to the IGS reference frame. Until the GPS week 1631 (April 16, 2011), the IGS05 reference frame was used. Between GPS weeks 1632 (April 17, 2011) and 1708 (October 6, 2012), the IGS08 reference frame was used (see IGS messages [IGSMAIL-6354], [IGSMAIL-6355], [IGSMAIL-6356]). Since GPS week 1709 (October 7, 2012), the IGb08 reference frame is used (see [IGSMAIL-6663]). For this, 9 additional IGS reference stations were included in the SIRGAS core network. The fiducial stations are: BOGT 41901M001 BRAZ 41606M001 CHTI 50242M001 CRO1 43201M001 GOLD 40405S031 GUAT 40901S001 MAS1 31303M002 MKEA 40477M001 NKLG 32809M002 OHI2 66008M005 PALM 66005M002 PARC 41716S001 PDEL 31906M004 SUTH 30314M002 THTI 92201M009 WIND 31101M001 4) Coordinates obtained in (3) for each processing centre are compared to each other to identify possible outliers. 5) Stations with large residuals (more than 10 mm in the N-E component, and more than 20 mm in the Up component) are reduced from the normal equations. Steps (3), (4), and (5) are iterative. 6) Variances obtained in the final computation of step (3) are analyzed to compute scaling factors for relative weighting of the individual solutions. 7) Combination of the contributing normal equations for computing a loosely constrained weekly solution for station positions (a priori positions for all stations are constrained to 1 m). This solution is submitted to IGS for the global polyhedron. 8) Computation of a solution for station positions aligned to the IGS Reference Frame. Datum realization through IGS weekly coordinates (igs15P1855.snx) of the IGS reference stations listed in (3) (applied constraint in Bernese Software: 1E-04 m). This solution provides the final SIRGAS-CON positions for practical applications (see Results). 9) The weekly SIRGAS station positions refer to - the IGS05 reference frame until GPS week 1631 (April 16, 2011) - the IGS08 reference frame between GPS weeks 1632 (April 17, 2011) and 1708 (October 6, 2012) - the IGb08 reference frame since GPS week 1709 (October 7, 2012). Note: Normal equations are added and solved by applying the Bernese GNSS software Version 5.2, UNIX platform. =============================================================================== Results =============================================================================== SIR18557.SNX covariance matrix loosely constrained weekly combination SIR18557.SUM this text file sir15P1855.snx covariance matrix weekly combination aligned to IGb08 sir15P1855.crd final positions for week 1855 The loosely constrained solution (SIR18557.SNX, SIR18557.SUM) and final coordinates (sir15P1855.snx, sir15P1855.crd) are available at ftp://ftp.sirgas.org/pub/gps/SIRGAS/1855/ or at http://www.sirgas.org/index.php?id=153. =============================================================================== FILES SENT TO GLOBAL IGS DATA CENTERS: =============================================================================== SIR18557.SNX SINEX FILE FOR WEEK 1855 SIR18557.SUM SUMMARY FILE FOR WEEK 1855 =============================================================================== Report =============================================================================== MISSING STATIONS **************** (Stations with available observations that are not included in the individual solutions for this week) Station PC Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTC 41713S001 DGF Missing station in DGF solution ETCG 40602M001 ECU Missing station in ECU solution EBYP 41538M001 GNA Missing station in GNA solution EXU0 43606M001 IGA Missing station in IGA solution ELEN 40902S001 UNA Missing station in UNA solution ANTC 41713S001 URY Missing station in URY solution BCHE 41573M001 URY Missing station in URY solution BLPZ 41805M001 URY Missing station in URY solution EBYP 41538M001 URY Missing station in URY solution EQUIPMENT INCONSISTENCIES ------------------------- Station PC Wrong (applied) Correct (to be applied) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- POVE 41628M001 ECU Receiver: TRIMBLE NETR5 -> TRIMBLE NETR8 POVE 41628M001 ECU Antenna: TRM29659.00 NONE -> TRM59800.00 NONE EXCLUDED STATIONS ***************** Station PC Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POVE 41628M001 ECU Wrong antenna PCV applied CHIH 40525M001 INE Renamed station CHI3 40525M001 -> CHIH 40525M001 RWSN 41513M001 GNA Large residuals due poor clycle slips detection RMS VALUES ---------- (a posteriori RMS of unit weight after aligning the individual solutions to the IGb08 reference stations) PC No. Stations RMS [mm] Chi**2/DOF Variance factor ------------------------------------------------------------------ CHL 108 1.48 0.55 1.0 DGF 118 1.63 0.66 1.0 ECU 98 1.57 0.62 1.0 GNA 104 2.00 1.00 0.8 IBG 141 1.52 0.58 1.0 IGA 68 1.55 0.60 1.0 INE 47 2.00 1.00 0.8 LUZ 79 1.64 0.68 1.0 UNA 69 1.68 0.71 0.9 URY 95 1.49 0.56 1.0 ================================================================== Combination 320 1.54 0.59 ---- RESIDUALS WITH RESPECT TO igs14P1855 SOLUTION --------------------------------------------- N [mm] E[mm] Up [mm] ---------------------------------------------------- IGb08 core stations (16) 0.45 0.66 0.54 All IGS Stations (78) 1.01 1.07 4.51 RESIDUALS WITH RESPECT TO PREVIOUS SIRGAS WEEKLY SOLUTION --------------------------------------------------------- N [mm] E[mm] Up [mm] ---------------------------------------------------- All stations (318) 1.32 1.45 2.64 =============================================================================== TRANSFORMATION PARAMETERS BETWEEN THE INDIVIDUAL SOLUTIONS AND THE COMBINATION =============================================================================== Translation (m) Rotation (") Sol Rms (m) X Y Z X Y Z Scale (ppm) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHL 0.00281 0.0058 0.0060 0.0176 -0.0002 -0.0002 0.0002 0.00098 DGF 0.00185 0.0003 0.0008 0.0009 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00008 ECU 0.00116 0.0075 -0.0428 -0.0139 0.0002 0.0001 -0.0001 -0.00154 GNA 0.00235 0.0087 0.0084 -0.0042 0.0002 -0.0001 0.0003 -0.00022 IBG 0.00172 0.0085 0.0058 -0.0033 0.0001 0.0000 0.0003 -0.00028 IGA 0.00138 0.0039 -0.0072 -0.0028 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 -0.00038 INE 0.00199 -0.0028 -0.0027 -0.0062 0.0002 -0.0000 -0.0001 0.00039 LUZ 0.00145 -0.0091 -0.0021 0.0009 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.00004 UNA 0.00137 0.0007 -0.0069 -0.0044 0.0002 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.00015 URY 0.00135 -0.0003 -0.0021 -0.0043 0.0001 0.0001 -0.0000 -0.00001 COMPARISON OF STATION POSITIONS ------------------------------- (Repeatability represents the consistency between the individual solutions) PCs: (1) CHL, (2) DGF, (3) ECU, (4) GNA, (5) IBG, (6) IGA, (7) INE, (8) LUZ (9) UNA, (10) URY ---------------------------------------------------- Total number of stations: 320 ---------------------------------------------------- PCs Repeatability (mm) Station #PCs 1234567 N E U 890 ---------------------------------------------------- AACR 40612M001 3 XX 0.50 1.43 2.53 X ABCC 41939M001 3 X 0.83 0.58 1.66 XX ABEC 42040M001 3 X 0.83 0.16 1.93 XX ABMF 97103M001 3 X X 0.23 1.72 2.18 X ABPW 41940M001 3 X X 1.01 1.37 5.05 X ABRA 41575M001 3 X XX 1.07 0.66 1.53 AGCA 41907M001 3 X X 0.53 0.80 0.64 X ALAR 41653M001 3 X X 0.50 0.43 2.56 X ALEC 42029M001 3 X X 1.18 0.26 3.88 X ALUM 41535M001 3 X XX 0.30 0.48 2.23 AMCO 41696M001 3 X X 0.79 2.72 5.28 X AMPR 48071M001 3 X X 0.47 1.07 1.97 X AMTE 48091M001 3 X X X 0.78 1.02 3.84 ANGO 41720M001 3 XX 0.26 0.98 2.99 X ANTC 41713S001 1 X 0.17 0.07 1.44 APLJ 48076M001 3 X X X 2.27 2.08 5.29 APSA 41675M001 3 X X 1.48 0.75 2.10 X APTO 41933S001 3 X X 0.86 2.18 2.33 X ARCA 41909S001 3 X 0.20 0.93 2.08 XX AREQ 42202M005 3 XX X 0.22 1.71 4.99 AREV 42202M005 1 X 0.08 0.54 0.34 AUTF 41515S001 3 XX X 0.88 2.81 7.17 AZUL 41529M001 3 X X 0.37 0.47 3.12 X BABR 41684M001 3 X X X 1.13 0.78 4.68 BAIL 48098M001 3 X X 0.18 0.37 2.21 X BAIR 41665M001 3 X X 0.19 0.23 1.52 X BARI 40917M001 3 XX 0.13 1.44 1.62 X BATF 41666M001 3 XX 1.22 0.72 9.89 X BAVC 41669M001 3 XX 1.14 0.34 1.57 X BCAR 41539M001 3 X X 0.68 0.42 2.70 X BCHE 41573M001 2 X X 1.04 1.70 5.87 BEJA 41947M001 3 XX 0.41 0.72 3.39 X BELE 41622M001 3 XX X 1.25 0.80 5.98 BEPA 48072M001 3 X X 0.52 0.48 4.72 X BERR 41910S001 3 XX X 2.56 1.51 3.30 BLPZ 41805M001 2 X X 0.19 1.25 1.18 BNGA 41911M001 3 X X 0.56 0.52 2.09 X BOAV 41636M001 3 XX X 0.43 1.15 3.42 BOGA 41901M002 3 X X 0.29 3.41 2.41 X BOGT 41901M001 3 X XX 0.47 0.95 3.87 BOMJ 41612M001 3 X X 0.39 0.16 1.79 X BRAZ 41606M001 3 X X 0.46 0.84 1.45 X BRMU 42501S004 3 X X 1.13 0.89 5.44 X BUEN 41912S001 3 XX X 0.23 0.30 2.38 CALI 41903S001 3 X X 0.34 0.10 1.20 X CALL 42205M001 3 XXX 0.92 0.64 1.63 CASI 41914S001 3 X X 0.47 1.51 2.00 X CATA 41534M001 3 X X 1.25 0.69 4.33 X CATR 40904M001 3 X 0.70 0.55 0.96 XX CEEU 41602M003 3 X 0.87 0.40 1.37 X X CEFE 41637M001 3 XX 0.91 0.25 2.35 X CEFT 41682M001 3 X X 0.78 0.31 1.92 X CESB 48090M001 3 X X 0.55 0.24 1.93 X CHAC 41553M001 3 X XX 0.73 0.86 2.64 CHEC 42030M001 3 X X 1.17 0.28 0.69 X CHET 40526M001 3 X 0.41 1.16 1.38 XX CHIH 40525M001 3 X X 0.45 1.08 1.09 X CHIS 40906M001 3 XX 0.57 1.72 6.92 X CHPI 41609M003 3 XX X 0.86 0.92 2.11 CHTI 50242M001 1 X 0.38 1.73 0.34 CLEC 42031M001 3 X X X 0.83 0.22 2.44 CN30 41203M001 3 X X 0.26 0.79 1.76 X COAM 48073M001 3 X X X 0.81 0.60 2.63 COEC 42023M001 3 X X 2.09 0.60 2.03 X COL2 40524M001 3 X 0.82 0.83 4.31 XX COPO 41714S001 3 XX 1.05 2.34 2.93 X CORD 41511M001 3 X XX 0.57 0.16 1.50 COTZ 40908M001 3 X 0.91 1.47 3.07 XX COYQ 41715S001 3 XX X 0.48 1.93 2.00 CRAT 41619M001 3 X X 1.34 0.93 5.55 X CRCP 40612M002 3 X 0.46 3.34 3.21 XX CRO1 43201M001 3 X X X 0.66 1.41 3.26 CRUZ 41641M001 3 XX X 0.23 0.46 1.89 CSLO 41540M001 3 X X 0.15 0.80 4.02 X CUCU 41904S001 3 X X 0.63 0.64 3.16 X CUEC 42009M001 3 X X 0.42 0.23 1.00 X CUIB 41603M001 3 X X 0.53 0.22 2.06 X CULC 40529M001 3 X 0.52 1.41 1.53 XX CXEC 42038M001 3 X X X 1.29 0.24 1.42 DARI 41305M001 3 X 0.50 0.48 2.35 XX DAVI 41302M001 3 X 0.54 0.88 1.76 XX EBYP 41538M001 1 X 0.81 1.26 0.74 ECEC 42027M001 3 X X X 1.33 0.21 1.41 EESC 41694M001 3 X X 0.89 0.95 3.98 X ELEN 40902S001 3 X X 0.32 0.87 0.64 X EMIB 41805M002 3 X XX 0.34 0.87 1.42 EPEC 42039M001 3 X X 1.29 0.43 1.05 X EREC 42037M001 3 X X 1.21 0.32 1.42 X ESMR 42011M001 3 XX 0.61 3.98 2.71 X ESQU 41533M001 3 XX X 0.61 0.68 5.40 ETCG 40602M001 2 X 0.70 0.24 4.81 X EXU0 43606M001 2 X 1.18 3.97 7.15 X FALK 80602M001 3 XX X 0.80 2.36 3.88 FOEC 42041M001 3 X X 0.74 0.49 0.94 X FQNE 41936S001 3 X X 0.22 0.82 0.61 X GARA 41945M001 3 X X 0.32 0.62 0.39 X GLPS 42005M002 3 XX X 0.45 0.94 3.48 GOGY 48095M001 3 X X 0.32 1.06 2.40 X GOJA 41654M001 3 XX 0.46 0.82 2.72 X GOLD 40405S031 3 X XX 0.79 0.97 1.22 GOUG 30608M001 1 X 0.90 0.76 0.33 GRE0 43501S001 3 X 1.06 1.90 2.56 XX GUAT 40901S001 3 X X 0.52 0.54 3.19 X GUEC 42042M001 3 X X X 1.69 0.88 0.37 GVA1 41623M001 3 X X 1.02 0.99 1.67 X GZEC 42032M001 3 X X X 1.09 0.24 0.77 HER2 40522M001 3 X XX 0.45 1.50 1.53 HUEH 40903S001 3 X 1.05 1.76 1.20 XX IACR 41721M001 3 XX X 0.31 1.19 5.99 IBAG 41918S001 3 X X 0.34 0.40 0.32 X ICAM 40514M002 3 X X 0.45 1.84 3.44 X ICEP 40531M001 3 XX 0.12 1.00 0.99 X IDGO 40532M001 3 XX 0.95 1.22 4.20 X IGM1 41505M003 3 X X 1.62 0.45 3.22 X IGN1 41303M001 3 X X 0.45 0.36 1.85 X ILHA 41634M001 3 X XX 0.66 1.06 3.07 IMBT 41638M001 3 X X 0.61 0.40 1.15 X IMPZ 41615M001 3 X X 0.59 0.55 4.67 X INEG 40507M001 3 X X 0.43 1.17 3.55 X IPAZ 40521M002 3 X XX 0.41 0.74 2.63 IQQE 41708S002 3 XX X 0.56 1.76 3.55 IQUI 42204M001 3 XX X 1.77 0.82 2.34 ISCO 40611M001 3 X X 0.62 1.49 4.77 X ISPA 41703M007 3 XX X 2.18 1.79 21.79 JAMG 48074M001 3 X XX 0.55 0.86 1.57 JBAL 41537M001 3 X X 0.80 1.14 2.95 X KOUG 97301M402 1 X 0.39 0.33 0.19 KOUR 97301M210 3 XX X 0.71 0.55 1.79 LHCL 41518S001 3 XX X 0.69 0.84 4.88 LIBE 40604M001 3 X X 0.76 0.37 1.23 X LIMN 40605M001 3 X X 0.70 0.45 0.67 X LJEC 42010M001 3 XX 0.88 0.61 3.77 X LPEC 42043M001 3 X X 0.38 0.25 0.74 X LPGS 41510M001 3 X XX 0.84 1.05 8.86 MABA 41642M001 3 X X 0.36 0.70 3.67 X MABB 48089M001 3 X X 0.59 0.82 1.99 X MABS 41681M001 3 X X 0.38 0.64 2.63 X MAEC 42013M001 3 X X 0.22 0.09 0.77 X MANA 41201S001 3 XX X 0.75 1.46 1.43 MAPA 41629M001 3 X X 0.39 1.00 2.52 X MAS1 31303M002 1 X 0.78 0.37 0.97 MCL1 41624M001 3 XX 0.94 1.11 7.83 X MERI 40520M001 3 X XX 0.19 1.53 3.73 MEXI 40519M001 3 XX 0.53 1.62 0.38 X MGBH 41667M001 3 X X 0.55 0.68 1.34 X MGIN 41647M001 3 XX 0.56 0.30 0.65 X MGMC 41624M002 3 XX 1.48 0.96 3.29 X MGRP 41680M001 3 XX 0.40 0.65 1.18 X MGUB 41652M001 3 XX 0.74 0.66 1.73 X MGUE 41558M001 3 XX X 0.68 1.07 2.23 MGV1 41626M002 3 XX 1.33 0.79 5.07 X MKEA 40477M001 1 X 0.38 0.63 0.25 MPL2 41544M001 3 XX X 0.56 0.48 2.03 MRLS 40909M001 3 X 1.31 1.19 2.29 XX MSCG 41649M001 3 XX 0.76 1.64 2.81 X MSCO 48087M001 3 X X X 0.20 0.41 1.19 MSDR 48096M001 3 X X 0.83 0.64 3.77 X MTBA 41663M001 3 XX 0.54 0.66 2.45 X MTCN 41687M001 3 X X 0.28 0.73 1.72 X MTCO 41670M001 3 X X 0.26 0.87 2.08 X MTJI 48075M001 3 X X 0.37 0.67 1.26 X MTSF 41655M001 3 X X 0.36 0.39 0.94 X MTSR 41689M001 3 X X 0.08 0.69 1.78 X MTVB 41690M001 3 XX 1.23 1.34 1.00 X MTY2 40518M001 3 X XX 0.31 0.77 2.96 MZAC 41503M001 3 X XX 0.67 0.41 1.29 MZAE 41530M001 3 X X 0.51 0.98 4.93 X MZAL 41568M001 3 X XX 0.39 0.98 2.16 MZSR 41528M002 3 X X 0.58 0.99 4.14 X NARA 40910M001 3 XX 0.28 0.97 5.20 X NAS0 43607S001 3 X X 0.74 2.40 9.53 X NAUS 41614M002 3 XX X 0.40 0.74 2.63 NEIA 41620M002 3 X X 0.75 1.14 4.60 X NEIL 40606M001 3 X X 0.72 0.87 1.64 X NESA 41546M001 3 X X 0.40 1.14 2.77 X NEVA 41923S001 3 X X 0.15 4.23 1.13 X NICY 40607M001 3 X X 0.86 0.18 0.54 X NJEC 42028M001 3 X X 1.27 0.30 1.26 X NKLG 32809M002 1 X 1.57 0.08 0.82 OAX2 40517M001 3 X X 0.28 0.96 4.94 X OHI2 66008M005 3 XX X 2.12 2.01 6.72 ONEC 42044M001 3 X 0.25 0.17 0.88 XX ONRJ 41635M001 3 X X 0.98 0.52 3.16 X OSOR 41722M001 3 XX X 0.62 0.89 2.74 OURI 41631M001 3 XX 0.40 0.45 1.65 X PAAT 41683M001 3 X X 0.83 2.13 4.43 X PAIT 41685M001 3 X 1.70 0.25 1.00 X X PALM 66005M002 3 XX X 2.51 2.25 7.47 PALV 66005M002 1 X 0.65 0.12 0.60 PAMP 41944M001 3 X 0.21 0.49 0.43 XX PARC 41716S001 3 XX X 0.57 1.38 7.10 PBCG 41656M001 3 X 0.59 0.45 2.53 X X PBJP 41698M001 3 X X 1.51 0.68 3.59 X PDEL 31906M004 1 X 0.44 0.40 0.98 PEAF 48093M001 3 X X 1.33 3.11 1.62 X PEEC 42046M001 3 X X 0.36 0.44 1.21 X PEJO 41551M001 3 X X 0.30 0.53 3.39 X PEPE 41650M001 3 X X 0.39 0.39 0.30 X PERA 41905S001 3 X X 0.35 0.77 0.45 X PICR 48092M001 3 X X 0.58 0.85 2.42 X PIE1 40456M001 3 X X 0.88 0.43 4.69 X PIFL 48078M001 3 X X 0.72 0.49 2.11 X PISR 41673M001 3 X X 0.52 0.79 2.93 X PITN 41691M001 3 X X 0.59 0.40 2.03 X PJEC 42034M001 3 X X X 1.08 0.61 1.64 PMB1 43702S001 3 XX 1.27 1.06 2.19 X POAL 41616M001 3 XX 0.37 0.52 0.75 X POLI 41630M001 3 XX 1.30 1.95 0.49 X POPA 41924S001 3 X 0.66 3.36 1.24 XX POVE 41628M001 2 X X 0.33 1.07 1.84 PPTE 41611M002 3 X XX 0.48 0.55 1.57 PRCV 48097M001 3 X X 0.81 0.62 2.55 X PREC 42035M001 3 X X 1.25 0.34 1.19 X PRGU 41671M001 3 XX 0.45 0.79 2.75 X PRMA 41674M001 3 XX 0.82 0.60 3.17 X PRNA 41554M001 3 X X 1.26 3.14 1.85 X PSTO 41925S001 3 XX X 0.44 4.29 1.69 PTEC 42008M001 3 X X 0.49 0.28 0.91 X PUNT 40608M001 3 X X 0.39 0.33 1.29 X QUEM 42020M001 3 X X 0.12 4.22 1.37 X QUIB 41926S001 3 X X 1.71 4.07 2.23 X QVEC 42012M001 3 X X 0.43 0.17 1.63 X RECF 41617M001 3 X X 0.70 0.66 3.93 X RECO 41581M001 3 X XX 0.89 0.39 3.10 RIDC 40609M001 3 X X 1.08 0.72 1.37 X RIO2 41507M006 3 XX X 1.03 2.21 2.77 RIOB 41645M001 3 X X 0.36 2.35 1.20 X RIOD 41608M001 3 XX 0.70 0.40 1.20 X RIOP 42006M001 3 XX X 0.36 0.87 5.04 RJCG 41657M001 3 XX 0.63 0.23 2.04 X RNMO 41664M001 3 X X 1.37 1.54 5.08 X RNNA 41668M001 3 X 0.50 0.88 2.29 X X RNPF 48079M001 3 X X 1.32 0.54 1.23 X ROCD 41679M001 3 X X 0.42 0.45 1.68 X ROGM 41651M001 3 X X X 0.32 0.82 3.06 ROJI 41658M001 3 X X 0.22 0.53 2.18 X ROSA 41632M001 3 XX 0.69 0.59 4.10 X RSAL 41699M001 3 XX 0.62 0.27 0.74 X RSCL 48080M001 3 XX 0.86 0.44 0.98 X RSPE 48099M001 3 XX 0.89 1.22 0.42 X RUBI 41953M001 3 X X 0.44 0.31 1.67 X RWSN 41513M001 2 XX 8.58 7.17 11.24 SAGA 41639M001 3 X X 0.53 1.01 1.01 X SAGE 40610M001 3 X X 0.63 0.76 2.28 X SALU 41640M001 3 XX X 1.18 0.44 0.99 SANT 41705M003 3 XX X 0.70 1.65 4.64 SAVO 41643M001 3 XX X 0.53 0.42 6.67 SCAQ 48088M001 3 X XX 1.25 0.57 3.22 SCCH 41659M001 3 X XX 0.49 1.03 3.51 SCFL 48094M001 3 X XX 0.30 1.19 6.80 SCLA 41660M001 3 XX 0.23 0.29 0.97 X SCRZ 41801M001 3 XX X 0.89 0.24 1.12 SEAJ 41697M001 3 X X 0.56 0.90 1.30 X SEEC 42036M001 3 X X X 1.36 0.24 0.91 SIEC 42047M001 3 X X X 1.48 1.57 0.87 SINC 41946M001 3 X X 0.39 0.55 2.57 X SJRP 41633M001 3 XX 0.71 0.71 3.87 X SJSP 41601M002 3 X X 0.83 0.89 1.59 X SL01 41543M001 3 X X 0.23 0.54 3.37 X SMAR 41621M001 3 X XX 0.61 0.32 2.00 SMRT 43102S001 3 X XX 1.69 0.72 3.15 SNSN 41952M001 3 X X 0.34 0.52 1.79 X SPAR 41676M001 3 XX 0.56 0.73 4.90 X SPBO 41692M001 3 XX 0.42 0.28 1.14 X SPDR 48086M001 3 X X X 0.87 1.22 2.69 SPFE 48082M001 3 X XX 0.78 1.06 3.12 SPFR 41693M001 3 X XX 0.88 1.24 3.93 SPJA 41686M001 3 XX 0.40 0.48 1.25 X SPLI 41677M002 3 XX 0.56 0.24 3.20 X SPPI 48084M001 3 XX 0.33 0.45 1.53 X SPSO 48083M001 3 XX 0.68 1.09 2.35 X SPTU 48085M001 3 XX X 0.52 0.41 2.98 SRLP 41532M001 3 X X 0.57 0.53 2.36 X SRZN 43701S005 3 XX 1.59 1.49 0.73 X SSA1 41644M001 3 X X 0.25 0.76 4.45 X SSIA 41401S001 3 X X 0.34 0.37 2.86 X STHL 30606M003 3 XX 1.93 8.77 10.82 X SUTH 30314M002 1 X 1.74 0.93 0.42 SVIC 41536M001 3 X XX 1.16 1.67 2.82 TAMP 40516M001 3 X X 0.13 1.05 2.29 X TEG2 41101M001 3 X XX 0.43 2.30 2.12 TERO 41531M001 3 X X 0.44 0.43 2.37 X THTI 92201M009 1 X 0.09 1.07 0.36 TINT 40915M001 3 X 3.57 4.89 7.27 XX TNEC 42026M001 3 X X 0.61 0.83 2.84 X TOGU 41661M001 3 X X 0.21 0.78 1.34 X TOL2 40515M001 3 X X 0.33 2.34 2.33 X TOPL 41648M001 3 XX X 0.30 0.16 2.01 TUCU 41520S001 3 X X 0.39 1.88 1.19 X TUNA 41930S001 3 X 0.48 0.42 0.45 XX UBA1 41627M002 3 XX 4.64 2.59 6.63 X UBE1 41625M001 3 X X 1.32 1.36 6.70 X UCOR 41502M001 3 XX X 0.34 1.46 3.87 UCRI 40614M001 3 X 0.51 0.68 3.24 XX UFPR 41610M002 3 X XX 0.38 0.21 2.02 UGTO 40528M001 3 X 0.42 0.64 2.22 XX UNPA 41550M001 3 XX X 1.08 1.19 3.48 UNRO 41525M001 3 X XX 0.30 0.68 3.33 UNSA 41514M001 3 XX X 1.14 1.01 6.58 UNSJ 41527M001 3 X X 0.14 0.76 2.85 X URUS 41802M001 3 XX X 0.67 0.55 3.01 USLP 40530M001 3 XX 0.26 1.33 2.84 X UYCL 42309M001 3 X X 0.88 0.73 3.28 X UYDU 42305M001 3 XX 1.93 0.84 4.34 X UYLP 42306M001 3 X X 0.95 0.83 3.89 X UYMO 42301M001 3 X X 0.51 0.80 3.93 X UYPA 42304M001 3 X X 0.31 1.58 6.19 X UYRI 42308M001 3 X X 0.30 0.29 3.95 X UYRO 42303M001 3 X X 0.99 0.99 3.94 X UYSO 42307M001 3 X X 0.57 1.28 3.95 X UYTA 42302M001 3 X X 0.47 0.60 4.09 X VALP 41712S001 3 XX 0.22 1.47 4.65 X VBCA 41512M001 3 XX X 0.33 0.50 4.15 VICO 41613M001 3 XX 0.75 0.50 1.49 X VIL2 40527M001 3 X 0.73 0.60 3.55 XX VIVI 41931S001 3 X 0.48 0.39 2.21 XX WIND 31101M001 1 X 1.72 0.55 0.52 YCBA 41803M001 3 X XX 0.76 0.45 3.10 YEMA 41569M001 3 X X 0.12 0.93 2.50 X ZARZ 41950M001 3 X 0.52 0.20 0.76 XX ---------------------------------------------------- Total 926 0.96 1.38 3.52 ----------------------------------------------------