This FTP site contains the SIRGAS-CON products, i.e. loosely constrained and weekly solutions aligned to the ITRF, and multiyear solutions for the SIRGAS reference frame. According to the IGS standards, the SIRGAS weekly solutions from January 2000 (week 1043) to August 2008 (week 1494) computed with relative corrections for the phase centre variations and referred to former ITRF solutions, have been reprocessed including absolute corrections for the antenna phase centre variations and the IGS05 as reference frame. To distinguish these reprocessed solutions from the older ones, they are named SI1 instead of SIR. Weekly solutions computed after the week 1495 are identified with SIR. Between GPS weeks 1632 (April 17, 2011) and 1708 (October 6, 2012), the IGS08 reference frame was applied for the computation of the SIRGAS weekly solutions. See IGS messages [IGSMAIL-6354], [IGSMAIL-6355], and [IGSMAIL-6356]. Weekly station positions from October 7, 2012 (GPS week 1709) to January 28, 2017 (GPS week 1933) refer to the IGb08 frame (see [IGSMAIL-6663]). Weekly station positions after January 29, 2017 (GPS week 1934) refer to the IGS14 frame (see [IGSMAIL-7399]). Since GPS week 1773 (December 29, 2013), the weekly SIRGAS solutions include the standards outlined in the IERS 2010 conventions and the guidelines provided by the IGS for the second reprocessing of the IGS global network. Each directory from GPS week 1043 until 1494 contains the following files (wwww = GPS week, yy = last digits of the year): SI1wwww.SUM: Processing report. SI1wwww.SNX: loosely constrained weekly solution in SINEX format. This is the SIRGAS contribution to the IGS global polyhedron and input for the SIRGAS-CON multiyear solutions. si1yyPwwww.snx: constrained weekly solution for coordinates in SINEX format. si1yyPwwww.crd: SIRGAS values to be used as reference coordinates for GPS positioning. After GPS week 1495, following the Resolutions of the SIRGAS 2008 General Meeting, directories contain the individual weekly solutions of the SIRGAS-CON sub-networks delivered by the SIRGAS Processing Centres as well as the weekly combinations carried out to generate the final SIRGAS products. The files correspond to (wwww = GPS week, yy = last digits of the year): Individual solutions: CHLwwww7.SNX - Instituto Geografico Militar, IGM (Chile) DGFwwww7.SNX - Deutsches Geodaetisches Forschungsintitut der Tecnischen Universitaet Muenchen, DGFI-TUM (Germany) ECUwwww7.SNX - CEPGE, Instituto Geografico Militar, IGM-Ec (Ecuador) GNAwwww7.SNX - Instituto Geografico Nacional, IGN (Argentina) IBGwwww7.SNX - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica, IBGE (Brazil) IGAwwww7.SNX - Instituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi, IGAC (Colombia) INEwwww7.SNX - Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia, INEGI (Mexico) URYwwww7.SNX - Servicio Geografico Militar, SGM-Uy (Uruguay) USCwwww7.SNX - Centro de procesamiento y analisis geodesico, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (Chile) Combined solutions of Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica, IBGE (Brazil): IBGwwwwS.SUM: report on the weekly combination. IBGwwwwS.SNX: loosely constrained combination of the individual solutions. ibgyyPwwww.snx: constrained combination of the individual weekly solutions. ibgyyPwwww.crd: weekly coordinates aligned to the ITRF. Combined solutions of Deutsches Geodaetisches Forschungsintitut der Technischen Universitaet Muenchen, DGFI-TUM (Germany) acting as IGS-RNAAC-SIR: SIRwwww7.SUM: report on the weekly combination. SIRwwww7.SNX: loosely constrained combination of the individual weekly solutions This is the SIRGAS contribution to the IGS global polyhedron and input for the SIRGAS multiyear solutions. siryyPwwww.snx: constrained combination of the individual weekly solutions. siryyPwwww.crd: weekly coordinates aligned to the ITRF.