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Costa S.M., Sánchez L., Piñón D., Tarrio-Mosquera J.A., Guimarães G., Gómez D., Drewes H., Mackern-Oberti M.V., Antokoletz E.D., de Matos A.C.O.C., Blitzkow D., da Silva A., Inzunza J., España D., Rodríguez O., Rozas-Bornes S., Guagni H., González G., Paucar-Llaja O., Pampillón J.M., Alvarez-Calderón A. (2023) Status of the SIRGAS Reference Frame: Recent Developments and New Challenges. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, https://doi.org/10.1007/1345_2023_227.
Dr.-Ing. Laura Sanchez
80333 München
Tel. +49 89 23031-1295
Fax +49 89 23031-1240