A finite element crustal deformation model for South America. H. Drewes. In: IAG Symposium Recent crustal deformations in South America and surrounding area. Santiago de Chile, Chile. October 22, 2002.
Results of the SIRGAS 2000 GPS campaign. K. Kaniuth. In: IAG Symposium Recent crustal deformations in South America and surrounding area. Santiago de Chile, Chile. October 22, 2002.
Continuous and episodic deformations along the Caribbean-South American plate boundary derived from repeated GPS observations in the CASA project. K. Kaniuth. In: IAG Symposium on Recent crustal deformations in South America and surrounding area. Santiago de Chile, Chile. October 22, 2002.
Deformations along the Caribbean - South American plate boundary from nine years of repeated GPS observations in the CASA project. H. Drewes. In: AGU Spring Meeting. Washington, D.C., USA. May 29, 2002.
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