A new edition of the SIRGAS Symposium will take place from Nov 29 to Dec 1, 2021. The main goal of the Symposium SIRGAS2021 is to convene the geodetic community of the Americas and the Caribbean to exchange experiences and progress, as well as discuss new projects related to the implementation, maintenance, and use of the geodetic reference infrastructure in the region.
Due to the CoVID-19 pandemic, this Symposium will be held virtually through the Zoom platform. The event will be free of charge with English and Spanish simultaneous translation.
Although the SIRGAS Symposiums are mainly attended by National Representatives, members of the Working Groups and projects, these events are open to the entire international geodetic community, and therefore we cordially invite:
The activities of the Symposium SIRGAS2021 will be carried out in 5 sessions of 2 hours each:
Nov 29 - Report of the SIRGAS authorities: President of SIRGAS, Presidents of the SIRGAS Working Groups and update of the GRFA of UN-GGIM: Americas;
Nov 29 - Development and maintenance of the SIRGAS reference frame;
Nov 30 - Modeling of the Earth's gravity field (geoid, gravimetry, international reference system of heights);
Nov 30 - Applications of the SIRGAS reference frame (national reports, real-time applications, etc.); Y
Dec 1 - SIRGAS contributions to the modeling of the Earth System (troposphere, ionosphere, seismology, oceanography and hydrography).
Presentation abstracts of no more than 2000 characters (submitted through https://app.ign.gob.pe/simposio/expositores/) are due on August 31, 2021. The presentation theme must be related to the aforementioned topics and will be evaluated by the SIRGAS Scientific and Executive Committees. There are two presentation types:
The Symposium SIRGAS2021 is organized by the Local Organizing Committee, composed by the Executive Committee of SIRGAS and representatives of the National Geographic Institute of Peru.
For any questions about the venue please contact sirgas2021@ign.gob.pe. This event has the support of the International Association of Geodesy and the Pan American Institute of Geography and History.
For more details, visit the event website https://app.ign.gob.pe/simposio/.
Dr.-Ing. Laura Sanchez
80333 München
Tel. +49 89 23031-1295
Fax +49 89 23031-1240