Publications 2005

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Drewes H., Kaniuth K., Voelksen C., Alves Costa S.M., Souto Fortes L.P. (2005). Results of the SIRGAS campaign 2000 and coordinates variations with respect to the 1995 South American geocentric reference frame. International Association of Geodesy Symposia Series;  Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg; Vol. 128:32-37,

Drewes H., Heidbach, O. (2005). Deformation of the South American crust estimated from finite element and collocation methods. International Association of Geodesy Symposia Series; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg; Vol. 128:544-549,

Fortes L.P.S., Lauria E., Brunini C., Hernández A., Sánchez L., Drewes H., Seemueller W. (2005). El proyecto internacional SIRGAS: estado actual y objetivos futuros. 8th UN Reg. Cart. Conf. for the Americas, E/CONF.96/I.P. 16.

Kaniuth K., Stuber K. (2005). Apparent and real local movements of two co-located permanent GPS stations at Bogota, Colombia. Zeitschr. fuer Verm. (130): 41-46.

Sánchez L. (2005).  SIRGAS-GTIII, Reporte 2005. 39 p.


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