

Welcome to ArgentinaS Cimbaro
Introduction, Objectives, AcknowledgementsL Sánchez, C Brunini

Geodesy of reference in Latin America: Overview

SIRGAS: The geocentric reference system for the AmericasW Martínez, V Mackern, V Cioce, R Pérez-Rodino, SRC de Freitas
Gravity infrastructure in Latin AmericaD Blitzkow, ACOC de Matos, MC Pacino, VC Silva, IM Bjorkstrom
Geoid modelling in South AmericaC Pacino, D Blitzkow, ACOC de Matos
OAFA Station in the GGOS EraAM Pacheco, R Podestá, J Li, L Weidong, J Saunier

UN-GGRF definition and organization

UN-GGIM Americas: United Nations Regional Committee on Global Geospatial Information Management for the AmericasS Cimbaro
UN-GGIM Global Geodetic Reference Frame, September 2019G Johnston
Governance arrangements for sustaining the GGRF: GGRF definition and organizationD Roman, R Gross
Education, training and capacity building efforts in support of the GGRF roadmap implementation planA Craddock, M Lilje, A Bamouni, G Blick, P Cruddace, R Keenan, B Miyahara, MC Pacino, D Roman, R Sarib, S Gadimova
Improving the Geodetic Infrastructure via the UN-GGIM initiativeZ Altamimi

Global and regional cooperation frameworks

International Cooperation in Earth and Space SciencesA Ismail-Zadeh
Structure, status and recent achievements of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and its Global Geodetic Observing System GGOSH Schuh, H Drewes
The role of the IAG sub-commissions in Latin America: SIRGAS and gravity field modellingH Drewes
IAG vision on the implementation of the UN General Assembly resolution on the GGRF and its roadmapZ Altamimi
The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)M Lilje, D Roman
The International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI) and its  Latin American and Caribbean Seismological CommissionM Assumpçaõ, J Schweitzer
Support of the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) to the to the development of the Geospatial Information in the AmericasCF Rodríguez Tomeo
The International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)S Gadimova
Sustainability of the regional reference frame organisation in Latin AmericaC Brunini, L Sánchez

Global geodetic reference systems and frames

International Celestial Reference System and Frame (ICRS/ICRF)R Heinkelmann
The ITRF: Three decades of research and development, usages and applicationsZ Altamimi, X Collilieux, P Rebischung, L Metivier, K Chanard
The International Gravity Reference System (IGRS)A Rülke, H Wziontek, S Bonvalot, J Mäkinen, V Pálinkáš, D van Westrum, R Falk, L Vitushkin, G Gabalda
International Height Reference System and Frame (IHRS/IHRF)L Sánchez
The EGM2020 (Earth Gravitational Model 2020)DE Barnes, J Beale, S Ingalls, H Small, R Ganley, C Minter, M Presicci

Scientific Services of the International Association of Geodesy

The International GNSS Service (IGS)G Johnston, A Craddock
Presentation of the DORIS system and the International DORIS ServiceL Soudarin, J Saunier, P Ferrage
The Science Contributions of DORIS and Synergy with other Geodetic Techniques FG Lemoine, G Moreaux, J Saunier, P Ferrage, NP Zelensky, A Couhert, A Belli
International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS): Current Status and Future TrendsM Pearlmann, C Noll
International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry – Latin American Aspects – D Behrend, A Nothnagel, H Hase
International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems’ Service (IERS)R Heinkelmann, B Luzum, D Thaller, WR Dick
Recent gravity field modelling studies and future plans at GFZE Sinem Ince, Ch Foerste, Ch Dahle, Ch Voigt, O Abrykosov, H Dobslaw, R Koenig, F Flechtner
International cooperation to provide geodetic reference data and products: global space-geodetic data analysis and data repositories at the Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG)D Thaller, S Bachmann, W Dick, G Engelhardt, C Flohrer, S Geist, A Girdiuk, D König, S Schneider-Leck, D Ullrich, R Wojdziak
ICGEM - International Centre for Global Earth Models Service of IAGE Sinem Ince, S Reissland, F Barthelmes, K Elger
International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) and its componentsR Barzaghi

Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS)

The Global Geodetic Observing System of the International Association of GeodesyR Gross
GGOS Bureau of Networks and ObservationsM Pearlmann, C Noll
Recent Activities of the GGOS Standing Committee on Performance Simulations and Architectural Trade-Offs (PLATO)D Thaller, B Männel, S Glaser, A Kehm, M Bloßfeld
GGOS Bureau of Products and StandardsD Angermann, T Gruber, M Gerstl, R Heinkelmann, U Hugentobler, L Sánchez, P Steigenberger
GGOS working group on Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for geodetic dataH Titz
Essential geodetic variablesR Gross
GGOS external relations: an overviewA Craddock

IAG Alignments with GEO Priority Engagement Areas

Group on Earth Observations (GEO): OverviewR Gross
GGOS Efforts in Support of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk ReductionA Craddock
Geodesy and the UN Sustainable Development GoalsA Craddock
UN-GGIM Integrated Geospatial Information FrameworkN Brown, A Craddock

Argentine-German Geodetic Observatory (AGGO)

Contributions of BKG to core geodetic infrastructureT Schüler, Ch Plötz, J Bouman, H Hase
The AGGO geodetic fundamental station at La PlataH Hase
The Satellite Laser Ranging System of AGGOM Häfner
German efforts and challenges to install and maintain AGGO operationalJ Bouman
Argentine efforts and challenges to install and maintain AGGO operationalC Brunini
Learnings and recommendations from the Argentine-German cooperation to install fundamental geodetic observatoriesC Brunini, J Boumann



Dr.-Ing. Laura Sanchez

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