Welcome to Argentina – S Cimbaro
Introduction, Objectives, Acknowledgements – L Sánchez, C Brunini
Geodesy of reference in Latin America: Overview
SIRGAS: The geocentric reference system for the Americas – W Martínez, V Mackern, V Cioce, R Pérez-Rodino, SRC de Freitas
Gravity infrastructure in Latin America – D Blitzkow, ACOC de Matos, MC Pacino, VC Silva, IM Bjorkstrom
Geoid modelling in South America – C Pacino, D Blitzkow, ACOC de Matos
OAFA Station in the GGOS Era – AM Pacheco, R Podestá, J Li, L Weidong, J Saunier
UN-GGRF definition and organization
UN-GGIM Americas: United Nations Regional Committee on Global Geospatial Information Management for the Americas – S Cimbaro
UN-GGIM Global Geodetic Reference Frame, September 2019 – G Johnston
Governance arrangements for sustaining the GGRF: GGRF definition and organization – D Roman, R Gross
Education, training and capacity building efforts in support of the GGRF roadmap implementation plan – A Craddock, M Lilje, A Bamouni, G Blick, P Cruddace, R Keenan, B Miyahara, MC Pacino, D Roman, R Sarib, S Gadimova
Improving the Geodetic Infrastructure via the UN-GGIM initiative – Z Altamimi
Global and regional cooperation frameworks
International Cooperation in Earth and Space Sciences – A Ismail-Zadeh
Structure, status and recent achievements of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and its Global Geodetic Observing System GGOS – H Schuh, H Drewes
The role of the IAG sub-commissions in Latin America: SIRGAS and gravity field modelling – H Drewes
IAG vision on the implementation of the UN General Assembly resolution on the GGRF and its roadmap – Z Altamimi
The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) – M Lilje, D Roman
The International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI) and its Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission – M Assumpçaõ, J Schweitzer
Support of the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) to the to the development of the Geospatial Information in the Americas – CF Rodríguez Tomeo
The International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) – S Gadimova
Sustainability of the regional reference frame organisation in Latin America – C Brunini, L Sánchez
Global geodetic reference systems and frames
International Celestial Reference System and Frame (ICRS/ICRF) – R Heinkelmann
The ITRF: Three decades of research and development, usages and applications – Z Altamimi, X Collilieux, P Rebischung, L Metivier, K Chanard
The International Gravity Reference System (IGRS) – A Rülke, H Wziontek, S Bonvalot, J Mäkinen, V Pálinkáš, D van Westrum, R Falk, L Vitushkin, G Gabalda
International Height Reference System and Frame (IHRS/IHRF) – L Sánchez
The EGM2020 (Earth Gravitational Model 2020) – DE Barnes, J Beale, S Ingalls, H Small, R Ganley, C Minter, M Presicci
Scientific Services of the International Association of Geodesy
The International GNSS Service (IGS) – G Johnston, A Craddock
Presentation of the DORIS system and the International DORIS Service – L Soudarin, J Saunier, P Ferrage
The Science Contributions of DORIS and Synergy with other Geodetic Techniques – FG Lemoine, G Moreaux, J Saunier, P Ferrage, NP Zelensky, A Couhert, A Belli
International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS): Current Status and Future Trends – M Pearlmann, C Noll
International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry – Latin American Aspects – D Behrend, A Nothnagel, H Hase
International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems’ Service (IERS) – R Heinkelmann, B Luzum, D Thaller, WR Dick
Recent gravity field modelling studies and future plans at GFZ – E Sinem Ince, Ch Foerste, Ch Dahle, Ch Voigt, O Abrykosov, H Dobslaw, R Koenig, F Flechtner
International cooperation to provide geodetic reference data and products: global space-geodetic data analysis and data repositories at the Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG) – D Thaller, S Bachmann, W Dick, G Engelhardt, C Flohrer, S Geist, A Girdiuk, D König, S Schneider-Leck, D Ullrich, R Wojdziak
ICGEM - International Centre for Global Earth Models Service of IAG – E Sinem Ince, S Reissland, F Barthelmes, K Elger
International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) and its components – R Barzaghi
Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS)
The Global Geodetic Observing System of the International Association of Geodesy – R Gross
GGOS Bureau of Networks and Observations – M Pearlmann, C Noll
Recent Activities of the GGOS Standing Committee on Performance Simulations and Architectural Trade-Offs (PLATO) – D Thaller, B Männel, S Glaser, A Kehm, M Bloßfeld
GGOS Bureau of Products and Standards – D Angermann, T Gruber, M Gerstl, R Heinkelmann, U Hugentobler, L Sánchez, P Steigenberger
GGOS working group on Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for geodetic data – H Titz
Essential geodetic variables – R Gross
GGOS external relations: an overview – A Craddock
IAG Alignments with GEO Priority Engagement Areas
Group on Earth Observations (GEO): Overview – R Gross
GGOS Efforts in Support of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction – A Craddock
Geodesy and the UN Sustainable Development Goals – A Craddock
UN-GGIM Integrated Geospatial Information Framework – N Brown, A Craddock
Argentine-German Geodetic Observatory (AGGO)
Contributions of BKG to core geodetic infrastructure – T Schüler, Ch Plötz, J Bouman, H Hase
The AGGO geodetic fundamental station at La Plata – H Hase
The Satellite Laser Ranging System of AGGO – M Häfner
German efforts and challenges to install and maintain AGGO operational – J Bouman
Argentine efforts and challenges to install and maintain AGGO operational – C Brunini
Learnings and recommendations from the Argentine-German cooperation to install fundamental geodetic observatories – C Brunini, J Boumann
Dr.-Ing. Laura Sanchez
80333 München
Tel. +49 89 23031-1295
Fax +49 89 23031-1240